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Xu wing full stay here more than a month in Vietnam,cheap nike shoes, under the protection of the regular army, Xu wing can say than the President of this country but also safety. This month, Xu wing selling out more than thirteen hundred tons of drugs, according to the meal five hundred thousand Euro to calculate it, Xu wing where the bar is gone 6.5 trillion euros, equivalent to RMB sixty trillion. Such a Bi huge numbers, Xu wing received mostly cash. Even the bars are also not small. For gold Xu wing is not missing, but promised to close the wing or bite the bullet down.

What country has the bill. Take VND for instance,nike free, although the nominal value of each lot, but the number is not small. Xu wing although storage space, but also could not help but go to the bank to put all these bills go inside the store to the bank. Can now be said that Xu wing unknowingly has become the richest man in Vietnam first. Xu wing did not think that these guys would be so rich in Vietnam, he was just in the Dong-jin stay here a month and already, they moved here from Vietnam sixty trillion yuan.

This is also very good drug trafficking earned it,cheap nike free, of course, also taking advantage of this opportunity to promise wing, put his hands to take out those replaced gold deposit, so that, in many accounts inside the wing immediately have had more than one million million deposit. iphone 5c cases Others have already become the richest man in the hundreds of billions, while Xu wing now has one hundred trillion, replaced by the euro, which is ten trillion euros, the European Community 's GDP a year is also not ten trillion euros, even if it is for into dollars, that is almost thirteen trillion U.S. dollars this fiscal year, but the United States total revenue.

