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However, the final check on, this is not a ghd hair straightener leak, but the Chinese Empire rapid development of chemistry, chemistry also led the development of the whole world. Europeans do not understand anything they are not indigenous,http://www.mmun.org.uk/guides/mulberryoutlet_p1.html, the rapid development in science and technology, when mulberry bags naturally also began the development of modern science and technology in Europe. Not only is the guns, in fact, there are many aspects of Europe are slowly catching up, such as electricity. 1863, Xiao Ming finally dried in Taiwan, established the first hydroelectric power station, the first time the palace and government buildings to light up.

Since then,mulberry handbags, the Chinese Empire entered the era of electrification, electricity and steam locomotive subsequent rapid spread in the land of the Chinese Empire. The invention of various emerging, such as the telephone, telegraph and so on. In these circumstances, the Europeans are not deaf fool, but not willing to accept foreign things pedants, how could a blind eye. Europe's industrialization is also driven by the Chinese empire under the fast launched. In these circumstances, in which Hua Diguo army hit when the Ottoman Empire, Europe already has the strength to resist the Chinese Empire.

Forced by the pressure of the Chinese Empire, the Holy Roman Empire began, European countries quickly agreed that they can not let the Chinese Empire and then west attack. So the new artillery guns continued to sell the Ottoman Empire, the Chinese Empire to the Ottoman Empire to block. Basically, mulberry outlet succeeded. Followed by the last two hundred years, although the Chinese Empire Ottoman Empire into a semi-colonial country in the African region also occupies a large colony, and even control of Egypt, but has been unable soldiers into European powers.

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